International Journal of Science and Management Studies (IJSMS) © 2020 by IJSMS Journal Volume-3 Issue-5 Year of Publication : 2020 Authors : Dewiana Novitasari DOI: 10.51386/25815946/ijsms-v3i5p101 |
Citation: MLA Style: Dewiana Novitasari "Job Stress and Turnover Intention: Understanding the Role of Leadership and Organizational Commitment" International Journal of Science and Management Studies (IJSMS) V3.I5 (2020): 1-14. APA Style: Dewiana Novitasari, Job Stress and Turnover Intention: Understanding the Role of Leadership and Organizational Commitment, International Journal of Science and Management Studies (IJSMS), v3(i5), 1-14. |
Abstract: This research aims to measure the effect of leadership style and organizational commitment on turnover intention of the automotive industry in Indonesia mediated by job stress. Data collection was carried out by simple random sampling to 253 population. The returned and valid questionnaire results were 147 samples. Data processing was using SEM method with SmartPLS 3.0 software. The results of this research are leadership style has a negative and significant effect on job stress and turnover intention. Organizational commitment has a negative and significant effect on job stress but does not significantly affect on turnover intention. Job stress has a positive and significant effect on turnover intention. Job stress was not a mediator for the relationship between leadership style, organizational commitment, and turnover intention. This novel research is proposing a model to manage turnover intention among employees of the automotive industry in Indonesia through leadership style and organizational commitment with job stress management as mediation. This research can pave the way to improve teacher readiness in facing industrial revolution 4.0. |
Keywords: Job stress, leadership style, organizational commitment, turnover intention. | ||
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