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International Journal of Science and Management Studies (IJSMS) © 2024 by IJSMS Journal Volume-7 Issue-1 Year of Publication : 2024 Authors : Lam Ky Nhan DOI: 10.51386/25815946/ijsms-v7i1p119 |
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Citation: MLA Style: Lam Ky Nhan "An Examination of Teaching Methods for Grammar Instruction in Young Learners: A Comprehensive Review" International Journal of Science and Management Studies (IJSMS) V7.I1 (2024): 127-133. APA Style: Lam Ky Nhan, An Examination of Teaching Methods for Grammar Instruction in Young Learners: A Comprehensive Review, International Journal of Science and Management Studies (IJSMS), v7(i1), 127-133. |
Abstract: The study of grammar involves analyzing a language in order to understand its functioning and structure (Crystal, 1996, p. 6). The investigation of grammar has captivated individuals for numerous years, particularly within the realm of second language acquisition (SLA). Nevertheless, in recent years, some have grown unsure about its worth. As a result, several educational institutions have stopped teaching it, while others only teach it in a limited manner (Crystal, 1996; Ellis, 2002). Understanding grammar entails acquiring knowledge about the techniques for manipulating sentence components to convey a coherent and significant message. The teaching of grammar has undergone significant transformation, especially throughout the twentieth century. This review clarifies the methodologies used in teaching grammar. Its specific objective is to determine the most appropriate one for young students studying grammar. To achieve this objective, this study gathered and examined pertinent articles and literature, taking into account their recentness and characteristics. The approaches encompass deductive or classical, inductive or conversational, and eclectic methodologies. An advantage of the inductive approach is that it allows pupils to concentrate on the language by allowing them to establish their own rules prior to engaging in practice. However, the deductive approach is efficient since it follows a direct and concise technique, resulting in time savings. Ultimately, the eclectic approach empowers the teacher to employ a diverse array of activities derived from various linguistic techniques and approaches. However, the flexibility of utilizing numerous activities may hinder the teachers from adhering to a specific teaching style. Undoubtedly, due to being in their optimal stage of development, youngsters nevertheless require ongoing supervision and direction from their educators. Therefore, this research demonstrates that the logical method of instruction, encompassing not only grammar but also additional topics, remains the most effective for them. |
Keywords: Grammar teaching, Grammar learning, Teaching methodologies, Deductive, Inductive, Eclectic, Young learners. | ||
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