The International Journal of Science and Management Studies (IJSMS) is one of the leading and fastest growing scholarly open access, double-blind peer-reviewed, bimonthly, and fully refereed scientific research journals for scientists, engineers, research scholars, and academicians. It aims to publish original, theoretical, and practical advances in Science and Management Studies, Engineering Science, Technology (Software, Mechanical, Civil, Electronics, Electrical), and all interdisciplinary streams of Science and Management Studies. It intends to disseminate original, scientific, theoretical, or applied research in the fields of all science and management studies and related fields. It provides a platform for publishing results and research with a strong empirical component. It aims to bridge the significant gap between research and practise by promoting the publication of original, novel, industry-relevant research.
IJSMS's vision is to publish original and previously unpublished research articles, review articles, survey papers, refereed articles, as well as auxiliary material such as case studies, technical articles, short communication, symposiums, commentary, perspectives, conceptual papers, and proceedings based on theoretical or experimental works in all areas of human study, without regard to financial constraints.
Publication of papers in IJSMS is free submission. Authors are cordially invited to submit a full-length paper, The journal welcomes original and unpublished research articles based on theoretical or experimental works. Submission of an article implies that the work described has not been published previously (except in the form of an abstract or academic thesis) and is not under consideration for publication elsewhere.
Authors Geographical Coverage:
Philippines, Indonesia, Vietnam, Nigeria, Japan, Egypt, Bangladesh, Iran, Morocco, Uganda, India, Malaysia, Iraq, Afghanistan, East Africa, West Africa, Ethiopia, Romania, Thailand, China, Palestine, Kuwait, Georgia, Sri Lanka, USA, Turkey, Syria, Poland, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, France, Europe, UAE, Oman, Greece, United Kingdom, etc.
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Frequency: Bimonthly.
Subject : Any Science and Management Studies
ISSN: 2581-5946.
Published By: Science Research Publication
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